Deep Breathing

One of the most important things we can learn to do is to calm our bodies. Next time you feel angry or anxious, notice how your body is feeling. Many times people will report feeling a tightness in their chest, tension in their neck and shoulders, or a sinking feeling in their stomach when they are anxious. Identifying these physical sensations is the first step. The next thing to focus on is relaxing your body, which in return will help calm those thoughts and feelings you are having.

One way to practice deep breathing is the 4-6-8 technique. Sit comfortably upright in a chair, elongating your spine. Take a deep breath in for a count of four seconds. Hold your breath for six seconds. Exhale for a count of eight seconds or until you have exhaled all the way out. The exhalation is the part of the breath that relaxes the body, which is why we want to focus the greatest amount of time on exhaling. Repeat for several rounds and notice how your body feels.